Voluntarily Exiting Your Business
One Day You Will Exit Your Business
We are "Business Exit Strategists". We work with owners of closely held small and medium sized business, and particularly "Family Businesses" to devise strategies and solutions to the three most likely causes of a business exit-Death, Disability or Retirement.
Using the Building Succession Bridges Process, we work with you to provide a "Financial Bridge" to get you across each of these possible reasons for your exit.
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Protecting Your Business
Overcoming the "Entrepreneur Paranoia"
As an entrepreneur you put yourself at risk when you started your business years ago. And like any successful entrepreneur who suffers from the "entrepreneur paranoia" you have concerns that this success could disappear tomorrow. Our focus is helping you focus on solutions that eliminate or reduce some of these fears and risks through:
- Business Loan Protection
- Key Person/Owner Protection Insurance
- Funding of Capital Gains Tax
- Funding of Share Equalization
- Business Continuation/Succession Reserve Account
- Funding of Buy/Sell Agreements
- Creditor Protected Investment Program
Rewarding Employees and Key Executives
People are our most valuable asset.
It was the great industrialist Andrew Carnegie who said: "Take away my factories and my railroads, take away my ships and my money but leave me my people. And in a short time I will have it all back again."
Successful companies know that they have to leverage the skills of their people and those people are their most valuable asset.
We can help you retain those employees through:
- Key Executive Deferred Compensation plans
- Employee Benefit Plans
- Pensions and Group RRSPs
- Split-Dollar Insurance Arrangements